Sleep Laugh: Tim Mueller's Portfolio

Product Manager - Designer - Front End Dev - Husband - Dad

Speech EZ App


Speech EZ


This app was made to help kids (or anyone) who has trouble speaking to have an easy way to communicate. We have a 4 year old son who is speech delayed, in speech therapy, and we wanted to make a way for him to simply tap to tell us what he is thinking and what he needs or wants. Excited to share it in case it can help others as well.

(Coming soon to the app store)

What I Did

Concept, Design, Development, and Distribution.

Circle o Fifths App


Circle o Fifths


Grab your instrument, and hear and learn the circle of fifths! This handy music practice and theory tool can be a game changer to help you learn and even write your own songs.
See it in the App Store

What I Did

Concept, Design, Development, and Distribution.

Gold Quest App


Gold Quest


iPhone app for finding locations to prospect for Gold. Includes full details about each spot, what to bring, and how to get there. Rated 4 out of 5 stars in the app store, and over 6000 downloads. I built this because I love to go Gold Prospecting, but wanted an easy way to tell me where to go. Best way to make an app is to make something you want yourself right? :)
See it in the App Store

What I Did

Concept, Design, Development, and Distribution.

Steelcore Locking Security Straps




eCommerce company that specializes in locking security straps. When they came to me they had a Shopify site that customers weren't able to buy from. I got the site working for purchases, and customized a theme for them to match their brand. This included updating their logo, creating a new home page, and turning on/customizing the ecommerce pieces of the site. I was able to learn quite a bit about ecommerce, Shopify and their Liquid language.
Check it out

What I Did

Design and Development

Touch 2 Design Studios


Touch 2 Design Studios


Full service graphics studio that's been in business for over 40 years. Specializing in hand drawn (that's right, hand drawn...amazing stuff) illustrations, brand identity, invitations, but can design ANYTHING. This is my Dad's business, and I had the honor of designing and building a site for him.
Check it out

What I Did

Design and Development

Touch 2 Design Studios


Garage Sale Monkey


These guys will find all the treasures in your garage, and turn them into cash. The monkey illustration was drawn by my dad. I converted it to vector and colored it, and designed and built the site.
Check it out

What I Did

Design and Development